Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Now presenting
The Escape:

( If you would like to view in bigger window click -> The Escape )

Questions, comments, concerns? Go easy on me! 

I know the ending is the weakest part, as I executed it waaaaaay after everything else. I did not like the original ending because it simply just ended. It is a challenge to put an afterthought into the program because I could not lower the opacity of the previous frame to be accurate on the next frame. I tried to make this new ending cohesive and flow with the ending credits. 

The timing is also a challenge. The characters are running, which makes for a quicker time rate, but is too quick for the viewer. If I slow it down, the actions are all jumpy and not realistic. 

1 comment:

  1. This is really great Brittany! I was not sure if I could comment about it here or through the email. Nonetheless I really like your work and animation.
