Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Second Life


I have taken a mini "break" away from my animation project to expand my knowledge and present a different animation for our Second Life Media Arts Festival. I did not stray too far from what I am working on, so it won't be anything to spectacular. 

There are four ways living creatures are mobile; 2 legs, 4 legs, fins, or wings. My animation study has provided me the opportunity to focus on 2 of the ways that I am most accustomed to- 2 and 4 legs. My character animation is the 2 legs, and my Second Life animation is going to be 4 legs. Through my Google searches, book reading, and video watching, I have noticed many beginners create either a dog or horse running animation. I found it would be in my best interest to do the same. So, I found an image from Google of the sequence of a horse running and I turned it into a very short animation. 
Using those 12 poses, I created a 2 second video of it running. This very minor video was created using 24 frames and took me a couple of days to achieve just the skeleton of the animation, even with using a pre-made drawing. I could not find any tutorials or readings, yet, on how to successfully make a background appear as it is moving/changing as the character runs, but I attempted this action with the knowledge I have. I am presently working on the basic coloring job of the frames. If I have time, I will try and add more detail to the horse. 
See you at the festival! 

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